Pornstar Detectives Season 2


#2.01 The Trial of Bruce Jenner

Bruce stands trial for robbing Larry's sex toy shop.


#2.02 Wherefore Art

The mayor asks Amber and Staci to find her missing statue on the day of an important event.

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Granny Gonzo “The Star”

Granny bakes cookies in tribute to MadLab's show, The Star.


#2.03 Gather 'Round the Fire

Staci and Amber tell how they became pornstars.


#2.04 And the Case of the Missing Career

Amber and Staci, no longer pornstars or detectives, try to figure out what to do next.


#2.05 Back to Work

The girls look for employment as pornstars, detectives, or something else.


#2.06 Three's Company

Staci can't shake her break up with Kevin.


#2.07 Barbara Jean

Special guest star Nikki Smith plays Barbara Jean (a role she created herself) who has hired Amber and Staci to catch her neighbor putting trash in her trash can.


#2.08 Brucie's Angels

Amber, Staci, and Elsa try to Charlie's Angels some missing keys.